The XML & JSON Dividends by Exchange service returns dividends information such as the exdate, dividend amount, and dividend frequency of a symbol for the requested exchange on a specified Dividend date.
The XML & JSON Dividends by Country service returns dividends information, such as the exdate, dividend amount, and dividend frequency on a list of symbols for a defined country.
The XML & JSON Dividends by Symbol service returns dividends information, such as the exdate, and dividend amount and frequency, of a symbol.
The XML & JSON Filings service provides links to filings documents in html, pdf, excel, and xbrl (as applicable) for US stock symbols. Filtering mechanisms include by symbol, by cik, and by a start and end date.
The XML & JSON Basic Financials by Symbol service returns financial report data for the requested symbol. The requested report type can be either a quarterly report or an annual report, and a request can provide a specific number of reports.
The XML & JSON Basic Financials by Exchange service returns financial report data for the requested symbol. The requested report type is either a quarterly report or an annual report and a request can provide a specific number of reports.
The XML & JSON Enhanced Financials by Symbol service returns financial report data for the requested symbol. The requested report type is either a quarterly report or an annual report and a request can provide a specific number of reports.
The XML & JSON Enhanced Financials by Exchange service returns financial report data for the requested symbol. The requested report type is either a quarterly report or an annual report and a request can provide a specific number of reports.
The XML & JSON Fundamentals service provides a complete list of all fundamental values for given symbols listed on any North American exchanges.
The XML & JSON Fundamentals by Exchange service provides a complete list of all fundamental values for an entire exchange in North America.
The XML & JSON Fundamentals Mini by Exchange service provides a concise list of all fundamental values for an entire exchange in North America. This service also includes "interim" shares outstanding amount data in the output when applicable.
The XML & JSON Key Ratios by Symbol service returns the key ratios information, such as revenue, dividends and splits, financial strength, profitability, management effectiveness, assets, and other valuation measures of a symbol.
The XML & JSON Profiles service provides company profile information which includes details on the company’s sector as well as industry descriptions.
The XML & JSON Share Info by Symbols service returns the share information, such as annual information, price change, moving averages, and holdings information of a symbol.
The XML & JSON Company by Symbol service is a combination of the Profile, Share Info, and Key Ratios by symbol services.
The XML & JSON Insiders by Symbol service provides insiders information, such as the activity type, the filer, and the transaction detail of a symbol.
The XML & JSON Insider Summary by Symbol service provides the total number of insider trades, buys, and sells for the previous 3, 6, and 12 months, as well as Net Activity for the specified symbol.
The XML & JSON Net House by Symbol service returns net house summaries for a given symbol over a time range.
We would love to discuss QuoteMedia Data Solutions with you. If you have any questions or you would like a demo, please reach out to us. We look forward to meeting you.