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On Demand Options and Option Chains

XML & JSON Options

The XML & JSON Options service provides a detailed snap quote for the option symbol, returning 28 data points for a maximum of 30 option symbols in one request from the North American exchanges. Each option contract identifies the underlying symbol as well. This service can also be entitled to provide Greeks, including Delta, gamma, Theta, Rho, Vega, and Implied Volume.

XML & JSON Option Chain

The XML & JSON Option Chain data service provides option symbols using various filters for a maximum of 30 option symbols displayed per page from the North American options exchanges. Underlying symbol data is provided as well.

XML & JSON Option Chain Symbols

The XML & JSON Option Chain Symbols service provides a list of option chains for an underlying symbol from the North American exchanges. Multiple filtering mechanisms available include regional exchange codes, expiration dates, call/put contracts, and money options.

XML & JSON Option Market Stats

The XML & JSON Option Market Stats service is a By Symbol service. It returns the option market statistics of a symbol.

XML & JSON Recent Option Stats

The XML & JSON Recent Options Stats service provides an End-of-Day snap quote for one equity symbol being traded on the options exchange for the last two closed market sessions.

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We would love to discuss QuoteMedia Data Solutions with you. If you have any questions or you would like a demo, please reach out to us. We look forward to meeting you.